Statement of Henry M. Paulson, Jr. on the Passing of Henry Kissinger
Henry Kissinger was a towering figure in foreign policy and US-China relations. Kissinger was a visionary who understood the power of diplomacy, the value of cooperation, and the risk of isolation. He was a tireless champion for peace who helped change the world for the better when he worked with President Nixon to open relations with China. Kissinger had an unmatched breadth of knowledge spanning everything from foreign policy to artificial intelligence. He remained engaged on the big issues until his death. And, in recent years, as the US-China relationship has become increasingly fraught, he continued to be a constructive voice for clear-eyed engagement. I had the privilege of working with him on China issues for decades and calling him a friend. I will miss him and his wisdom.
亨利· 基辛格是外交政策和中美关系领域的翘楚。他具有远见卓识,深谙外交的力量、合作的价值以及孤立的风险。他是一位孜孜不倦的和平捍卫者,与尼克松总统一道打开中美关系的大门,使世界变得更美好。从外交政策到人工智能,基辛格拥有无与伦比的渊博知识。他一直致力于解决重大问题直到生命的最后一刻。近年来,中美关系日趋严峻,他继续发出要以清醒的眼光保持接触的建设性声音。我有幸与他在中国问题上共事数十年,并称他为朋友。我会怀念他和他的智慧。